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How this works......
First let's meet for your complimentary consultation so you can make sure I'm a good fit for you. 
Second select either a 12 week, 6 week or 1 week course.  

(all courses are 1 on 1 sessions with Stacy, usually meeting digitally)

Computer Keyboard

Complimentary Consultation 

Duration: 1 thirty minute session

Let's discover if I'm a good match for you and your "storm" of life right now.  I'll give you at least one tools to practice whether you select a course below or not. *Limit one per person




Course Option 1:

Umbrella of Strength

Duration: 12 weeks, 1 hour session per week

With the right tools and mindset you can weather any storm. Just as an umbrella provides shelter in a storm, this course offers you support and growth through the toughest times.  Through guided exercise, reflective practices and proven tools you will find strength in within yourself and discover how to stand tall no matter how fierce the storm.

Key Topics:

1. Opening your umbrella: Using the resources you have

  • Understanding what your questions are and identifying personal strengths in yourself and others as a source of support.​

2. Weathering the Storm: Stress and Anxiety Management

  • Techniques for managing stress and reducing anxiety

3. Finding Shelter: Emotional mastery and self care

  •  Develop emotional intelligence and regulation through focusing on where you find strength while filling your cup so you can continue to help others.

4. Navigating the Rain: Goal Setting and decision making.

  •  Making empowered decisions aligned with your values to help you reach  peace in the storm.

5. Strengthen your Umbrella: Building confidence and overcoming self doubt

  • Identifying any challenging and limiting beliefs

  •  Discovering where self-esteem and confidence comes from.

6. Staying Dry: Creating sustainable habits and accountability

  • Forming positive habits and maintain motivation

  • Establishing accountability structures for continued progress

7. Embracing the Storm: Thriving through life's transitions

  • Managing and leveraging life changes for growth

  • Develop an place to embrace your storm by focussing on your growth.






Course Option 2:

Rain Boots

Duration: 6 weeks, This is a shorter version of the Strengthening your Umbrella course.  We really spend time on where you can put on your water proof boots and keep moving when life gets tough.

Key Topics:

1. Weathering the Storm: Stress and Anxiety Management

  • Techniques for managing stress and reducing anxiety

2. Strengthen your Umbrella: Building confidence and overcoming self doubt

  • Identifying any challenging and limiting beliefs

  • Discovering where self-esteem and confidence comes from.

3. Staying Dry: Creating sustainable habits and accountability

  • Forming positive habits and maintain motivation

  • Establishing accountability structures for continued progress

4. Embracing the Storm: Thriving through life's transitions

  • Managing and leveraging life changes for growth

  • Develop an place to embrace your storm by focussing on your growth.






Course Option 3 :

Cloudy Day 

Duration: 1 hour session

Topic: Whatever is clouding your vision let's break it down and focus on tools for you to move forward.




When I was in a pretty bad rut, she compassionately walked my path with me until I found my footing again.  She's someone who truly listens and then helps me set goals andd reach for my dreams.  Her own life challenges inspires me to dig deeper, reach higher, and find courage and strength in Jesus Christ.


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