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Taking Notes

Here are some questions that clients usually have before working with me. to make it easier we answered them for you. 

Frequently Asked Questions

If it's faith based courses & coaching can't I go to church for that?

Of course you can! Coaching is an extra tool that many people find very helpful in addition to their worship. My hope is that you'll more fully find Jesus Christ in a way that will result in the changes you are seeking for. Faith based life coaching is meant to dive into God's truths to see where He shows up in your life.

Trying to do everything is overwhelming, how can I add more to do?

It's my passion to work with people in using the right tools to become who God truly wants them to be.  In doing this, inner Peace can over take the worries and fear that overwhelm our lives.  I have refined my tools and developed strategies to help people become confident in all areas of life.  Instead of doing more it's focusing on who you are becoming in your daily "doing".  The coaching provides emotional support for you. Having me coach you provides another person to your team  that cares about your progress  and is on your side only to support and not overwhelm.

What if sign up for a 6 or 12 week course & I can't meet each week?

Life happens, I get it.  I'll work on the schedule that is best for your.  Usually a week between sessions gives you time to implement the practices you've learned. If it needs to be further apart we can do that.  We'll have your next session set at the end of when we meet.

What makes you Different from other Coaches?

First what makes me the same as many life coaches is a great desire to help others reach their full productivity and happiness.

Now what makes me different is my experience of such extreme physical loss that I've not gained back "mt storm".  I learned to look to the brightness of the future no matter my physical condition.  I know that the power isn't actually in the coach it's in the coaches ability to turn their client to His Power.

What is Life Coaching?

Just as you  hire a coach for a specific sport or skill, a life coach or educator helps teach drills, motivate, guide, practice and provide feedback.  This is all with the goal to get your life to where you want it to be. This includes digging deep to plant and nourish seeds to strengthen your roots so that you can  grow yourself to an amazingly peaceful life.

What does a session look like?

Each session is very customized based your goals and the work you are doing. I start with your baseline so I have a quick understanding of the dynamics of your life. Traditionally the weekly sessions start with the  assignments given during the previous session.  With that we can determine what is working and what needs adjustment to see results. By understanding what is working we can often see where there seems to be obstacles.  Once a gap is established we spend time learning techniques to remove the obstacle to accomplishing your goal. 


The second half of the session is often spent on new skills and tools to handle the most difficult issues.  We always spend time in God's word so you can learn from thte Master what is best for you.. Taking that spark inside and cultivating it to action.We also spend time practicing new skills in your real life situation.  We then create the action plan and assignments for you to report back on in the next session.  This process is repeated throughout the next week with different tasks and skills to be learned.

Thanks to Stacy's coaching, my journey of personal growth has been extraordinary. Drawing from the inspiring stories of people who were changed by Jesus Christ, she has guided me to reshape my mindset, redefine my goals and explore the depths of my inner thoughts and beliefs. Through her guidance, I've learned to prioritize what truly matters and gained a clear understanding of how to achieve my goals and pursue my dreams with confidence and resolve. 


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