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Hello I'm
Stacy Simmons

I truly believe that in and through a relationship with Jesus Christ ALL things are possible.  I love Him and it's my passion to share how people can find HIS wonderful peace in their lives amidst all the worry.


My passion has led me to pursue education and a faith based coaching career focused on helping you!


I'm the crazy person that orders both sizes when ordering online. The fit and feel of a new item is important to me even if it requires returning it.   I want to be sure in your search that I'm the correct coach for you. 


Schedule a free 30 minute consultation now.  We'll meet on a video chat and you'll have a chance to get a feel for my style of coaching and decide if it's the right fit for you.  You will also come away with one very "doable" thing to help you no matter if we continue this journey together or not. 

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My Story

Years ago I experienced a physical loss that's been heavier on my soul than anything I have ever experienced in my life.   The drastic physical changes to my body soon brought an onslaught of mental unwellness, frustration, anger, and darkness into my life that I had never experienced or knew how to deal with.  After years of growth with God and practiced tools and techniques I am in a much better place.  I've learned how to build deep relationships with family and friends that has been a miracle in my life.  


I'm now passionate about  providing life coaching services that include leaning on God while using tools and techniques that practiced well will help you to FIND PEACE IN THE STORMS of life.

I've studied human behavior and worked for over a decade as a corporate trainer focusing on mindset, career development and how small adjustments consistently applied can provide even better results than you expected.

My Storm that is part of my Miracle

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Find out if coaching is right for you!

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